“三八”国际妇女节 成都高新音乐人推出原创英文MV《Meet you in...

“At the age when I first fell in love,I met you in Chengdu,your soft and flowing hair waved,Your thin and long eyebrows curved……”一年一度的“三八”国际妇女节即将来临,3...

“全能天后”杨丞琳新专辑收录曲《漂流 浴室》在本月初圆满落幕的“LIKE A STAR”世界巡回演唱会台北站首播MV,粉丝纷纷期待MV正式上线。这首歌是她首度与欣赏已久的金曲制作人Starr Chen陈星翰合作,制作人说一开始收到丞琳寄给他这首新歌Demo其实蛮开心的,想说终于可...

谢霆锋用温暖的嗓音翻唱《狮子王》插曲《Can you feel the love tonight》,整个舞台亮起橙色的光,星光闪耀,希望今晚的你能感受到爱。 ↓↓戳视频看江苏卫视超级晚谢霆锋《Can you feel ...

but you got to keep the faith ...gon' keep it brother you got it and when you think of trust does it lead you home to a place that you only dream of when you're all alone and you can go by feel 'stead of circumstance but the power's in believing so...

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